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Keep things simple! Movement is Key

With physical teaching slowly being introduced in other parts of the world, here in South Africa we are still coping with the impacts of LockDown Level 4. Some of you will be teaching virtually, others will be eagerly awaiting and prepping for the return of your learners in the classroom. Wherever you are, and whatever you do, keep things simple. 

Research has shown that regular movement breaks throughout the day help to increase focus and decrease stress in ANY environment – be it at school or home. Both an increased level of focus and decreased levels of stress are imperative to learning. Outcomes are improved by shortening lesson time and including movement breaks so that children are calm, alert, and ready to learn. 

Introducing regular movement breaks can help children regulate their levels of arousal during active learning time so that they are best able to engage. Whether it is the sensory-seeking learner who is always craving movement, or your learner with low registration who seems to slump down further in his chair every time you glance in his direction, movement breaks, when used properly, can be a very effective tool for engagement.